That time of year when area manufacturers open their doors to the young and old alike to expose them the great things that the industry is doing in our state is coming up soon. It’s Manufacturing Day, which officially occurs on the first Friday in October (Oct 7, 2016).
If you have been a host or a taken a tour on MFG Days in the past, you may wonder what the impact has been.  If you have not participated you may wonder what all the hubbub is about. Well, wonder no longer…
Deloitte and the MFG Day producers have measured how MFG Day is positively impacting the perception of the industry and its career options. Here are the results:
To drill down and see more detail on the survey results, use the survey dashboard
If you are considering being a host or a sponsor for this year’s Manufacturing Day,  visit the official web site at www.mfgday.com.