Governor Gina Raimondo Recognizes Polaris MEP’s Role in Sourcing PPE/Gowns for COVID-19 Response
Polaris MEP received a "shout-out" from Rhode Island's Governor Gina Raimondo during her daily COVID-19 briefing. "The most encouraging thing for me throughout this crisis has just been the way people pull together. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't do something...
Providence Business News: Many local factories transform to meet needs of pandemic fight
Mary Johnson, Polaris MEP Growth and Strategy Manager, was quoted by in a Providence Business News feature on local manufacturers who have pivoted in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus. "[Johnson] said local manufacturers tend to be producers of components, putting...
Providence Business News: Manufacturers affected by COVID-19 invited to participate in talent exchange
Susan Shalhoub reported on a pilot program that has been set up for manufacturing companies impacted by the coronavirus, sponsored by Polaris MEP, the Rhode Island Manufacturers Association and the R.I. Department of Labor and Training. “The manufacturing employers...
Resources and Support for RI Manufacturers Related to COVID-19 Coronavirus
Supporting Rhode Island manufacturers continues to be the mission of Polaris MEP. We are working closely with state agencies including CommerceRI, RIMA and the Department of Labor and Training (DLT) to make sure manufacturing employer needs are represented related to...
Providence Business News: Polaris MEP’s 2018 Impact Report Featured in PBN Stuff
Polaris MEP's 2018 Impact Report is featured in this month's PBN Stuff. This month's issue also features Q&A's with industry experts, articles on Rhode Island manufacturers in every sector, and a directory of things made right here in...
Rhode Island maker brings home big titles for the beverage industry
Barrington, RI (July 1, 2019) -- Rhode Island’s only shrub maker, Anna Scott, is making waves internationally. In just the last few months Anna’s Kitchen Shrub has received several industry awards from Food & Beverage Magazine, the International SIP Awards and the...
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