Inventory IS waste. Inventory also IS necessary. How can lean manufacturing tools help your team control it better? Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of continuous improvement, helping a Rhode Island manufacturing company become more resilient and grow by eliminating...
Erin Read
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Polaris MEP Adds Specialists to Meet Rhode Island Manufacturing Workforce Challenges
Providence, RI – September 7, 2021 – As more Rhode Island manufacturers report struggles to find and recruit workers, Polaris MEP is staffing up to help them meet the challenge. Aarin B. Clemons joins the team as Workforce Coordinator while Andrea (Annie) Unger steps...
Human Error Reduction Webinar
The Future of Manufacturing | Venture Café Providence
Polaris MEP Center Director Kathie Mahoney led an interactive discussion on the Future of Manufacturing in Rhode Island and beyond during a Thursday Gathering at Venture Café Providence on August 19, 2021. Featured panelists: Sabrina Kanaley, Designer, Composite...
Providence Business News: Editor’s Choice: Building relationships with local business professionals
The Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce will hold a Networking Pop Up event with the Emerging Leaders Council and the Women’s Business Council. The ELC is an inclusive team of professionals whose mission is to engage and develop the next generation of business...
Providence Business News: Polaris MEP to offer Training Within Industry program.
Polaris MEP will host a weeklong program designed to help manufacturing supervisors strengthen relationships and reduce turnover using the Training Within Industry methodology. The week of interactive, online classes promises the collaboration needed for continuous...
During Pandemic Lockdown, Rhode Island Job Shop Pursues ISO to Open Doors
Company Profile R&R Machine Industries, Inc. is a full-service, CNC contract machine shop. The job shop sets itself apart by providing clients with seamless service, not only milling and turning but also guiding outsourced parts through other manufacturers for...
Pulling Prospects Into Your Orbit Through SEO with Sidewalk Branding Co.
Providence Business News: R.I. Tech ‘Super Connector’ Gaining Momentum
By Erin Read Our partner company, 401 Tech Bridge has been featured in Providence Business News. 401 Tech Bridge is an economic development initiative launched in 2019 that seeks to connect the U.S. Navy, universities, nonprofits and businesses in Rhode Island to...