The insights of two Polaris MEP team members were featured in a recent NIST Manufacturing Innovation Blog post about workforce solutions.
Lindsey Brickle, Senior Workforce Manager, and Aarin Clemons, Workforce Coordinator, contributed a post that offered practical tips for achieving a more diverse manufacturing workforce.
The workforce solutions team positioned diversity as an intelligent response to the ongoing labor crunch.
“Because the traditional thinking regarding talent pools and pipelines no longer meets demands, manufacturers will need to pursue non-traditional candidates. This can be achieved by recruiting and employing a more diverse workforce.
… The benefits of workforce diversity are similar in many ways to diversity in product lines and marketing tactics. Why does a manufacturer offer multiple solutions to its customers? Why does it employ different tactics to reach different target markets? Because it’s good for business.”
 The Manufacturing Innovation Blog is published by the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network. It is a resource for manufacturers, industry experts and the public on key U.S. manufacturing topics.