Polaris MEP, Rhode Island’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, has added a new feature to its website: the Rhode Island Manufacturing Data Dashboard.
The dashboard provides an overall snapshot of the state’s economy and, in particular, data points indicating how the Ocean State’s manufacturing sector is performing.
Independent Manufacturing Data In Eight Areas
The dashboard provides independent and objective data on how Rhode Island’s manufacturing sector is performing in eight main areas including talent demand, talent supply, trade and industry mix.
The manufacturing data presented helps leaders focus on a few key metrics most important in measuring the sector’s economic progress and talent needs. Clicking on a plus sign at the top right of any data “tile” provides additional context.
The data and underlying dashboard is managed by The Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC), an independent, 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization founded to provide policy-makers from around the world with the information and technical assistance they need to formulate and execute innovative, regional, job-creating economic strategies.
The Rhode Island Manufacturing Data dashboard covers recent trends, and is designed to inform discussions and spark conversations about building Rhode Island’s economy through a more competitive manufacturing sector.
Click here to see the dashboard.
Media / Legislators: For more insights into the Rhode Island Manufacturing data dashboard, or to dive deeper into a specific data point, please contact Center Director Kathie Mahoney via email (kmahoney@polarismep.org) or phone (508-523-5498).