We wanted to pass along a message from our friends putting on the 2016 RI Mini Maker Faire – please read:

AS220 needs your help to ensure the RI Mini Maker Faire – a family-friendly festival of invention and creativity staged by AS220 – can return to downtown Providence on August 13, 2016! The RI Mini Maker Faire is the second-oldest independently-operated Mini Maker Faire in the world, and is part of a network of over one hundred Maker Faires that take place worldwide.
The RI Mini Maker Faire has always depended on the support of Kickstarter backers. We’ve been fortunate in prior years to have obtained support from sponsors as well, but this year we have no sponsor support.
Just as we keep our ticket prices low, we keep our Kickstarter goal low. This year our need is greater due to our challenges in securing sponsors, so we’ve set our goal at $3,000.
We currently have $1,500 in pledges (half-way there!). If three people stepped up to back us at the $500 level, we’d make it. If we don’t make our goal by August 10, we won’t even get that $1,500. And the RI Mini Maker Faire is only nine days away!
We’ve also got some really cool backer awards. In addition to the 3D-printed multi-color commemorative tickets, we also have 3D-printed sponsor badges and new wooden badges carved on a CNC router.
Please support our Kickstarter campaign today!