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NIST MEP Announces Appointment of New MEP Director

NIST MEP Announces Appointment of New MEP Director

NIST MEP is pleased to announce the appointment of Pravina Raghavan as the new Director of the MEP program. She officially started at NIST on Dec. 6, 2021. Pravina joins NIST MEP with more than 20 years of experience providing advisory services to businesses in the...

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Support Small Businesses #MadeInRI

Support Small Businesses #MadeInRI

The month of December is a reflective month for me, I take some time to reflect on the past year and what is coming up in the next year. This year my family and I have so much to be grateful for. We moved to Rhode Island in August, and everyone has been so welcoming....

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A Lean Manufacturing Thanksgiving Tale?

A Lean Manufacturing Thanksgiving Tale?

Most people don’t relate Thanksgiving with Lean Manufacturing. Most people also probably don’t relate Lean Manufacturing with community collaborations and helping seniors. Yet that’s exactly what this tale is about: How Lean Manufacturing training helped a...

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